Monday, 2 June 2014

Because Emma told me to.

I totally didn't forget about this blog...No, not at all.

Reason one of why I have not updated in nearly a month: laziness.
Reason two: I've actually been doing things with my life. Exciting things. 
Reason three: Schhhhhoooooool. >_< 
Reason four: 

<-----Exactly that.

So in other words...Sorry, not sorry.

Reason why I'm updating:

Because Emma told me to. If I didn't, it would eat me and sell my kidneys to that shady lady near the skip bin at the back of my school.

I think her name is Indigo. 

Indy, please don't eat my kidneys. I need them for things. Like filtering my pee and absorbing glucose. If you even think about my lovely kidneys, I will bite your goat. Now that is what you call a threat, kiddo.

On the topic of goats I FOUND NEW GOAT GIFS.

For those who are new to my blog...Long story short: goats are amazing and I love them.

They are like sheep! But they have majestic beards! So that makes them 9000+ times better.

I have been at it again with the fanfiction!

I wrote another dark Skulduggery Pleasant one!

Warning there are spoilers.

But in my absence I found an awesome website while surfing the interweb.

It's called

Basically; you answer a simple question right, they donate 10 grains of rice to hungry, starving people. It's a great killer of boredom. And while you are being given something simple to do, you are feeding poor babies on the other side of the world.

So I highly recommend it, it's free and doesn't require much brain power. But a tip from me to you: look out for the pesky opposite questions.

I have decided I don't like editing my stories. Seriously, it makes me cringe and it takes 5 minutes to long!

What could make it more worse that what it already is? When the chapters of the story are 2000 words+. It's a nightmare. Note to self: Don't become a novel editor. 
With that you can probably tell I'm working on something big. It's still a fanfic but it's going to (hopefully) be a big one. 

I can't think of anything else, or mildly exciting to put in this post so...Imma end it here.

Word of the day: alleviate, to make something easier to endure. 

Signing off for today.


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