Lets start my blog off with something interesting!
Did you know that the hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards?!
(Cinnamon hummingbird)
You could say that's an introduction to my crazy mind. I have a large obsession with random facts and quotes. I just love 'em!
I made this blog to write about my day to day life. I wanted to make it interesting because when people hear the word teenager they immediately think phones, boyfriends, gossip or Justin Bieber. Well no, that ain't me. At all.
My name is Tessa and I'm an Australian teenager who has an obsession with writing and reading. I love to write because its my way of showing people how I see and imagine things.
Bored? Lets get on with it then!
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Well today is the 6th of April, it's a Sunday... meaning homework catch up day! Yay... not. It's actually a more quite Sunday for me no large assignments only a small Geography assignment that won't take me very long. I think I'm just going to wait until later tonight to do it... a hour before I go to bed. Cos that's the way to go. Procrastination at its best. Speaking of doing things late I had a Romeo and Juliet assignment due recently and I had forgotten about it until the night before it was due. It was also quite a large assignment so it kept me up until 1am. I realized it was probably pitiful. The day came where we got our marks back for it...I was like to my friend "I'm so dead. He's going to off his nut." Safe to say I came equal first with a few others with 49/50. My proudest achievement this year. (ง'̀-'́)ง After that glorious mark I went home and gorged myself on potato chips and wrote a happy story about my OC (original character).
Another thing I am procrastinating is... cleaning my room. Gosh such a tedious task. I shy away from room cleaning like a vampire shys away from holy water. I know it has to be done, but it's really difficult when you have distractions like the internet!
Yeah, I know "Only internet addicted geeks use memes to express themselves". Well its a kitten laying on a laptop, it was too cute not to have.
I've run out of things to type...
Oh right. I do have some stuff to type about. It's approaching that time of year again for students in years 3,5 and 9 in Australia. The dreaded NAPLAN. For those who don't know what NAPLAN is it is a series of tests Australian students take to see what level the students are at. It doesn't grade the students as individuals it grades the schools. Its quite a stressful time of year because each school is trying its best to be the best so they push their kids a lot. But I have a few weeks before they arrive. Part of those few weeks are the Autumn holidays! Yay! Free time to do stuff I want! Staying up late reading!
I think I might wrap this up now, no use waffling on about how much school sucks at the moment.
Word of the day: procrastination, is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the "last minute".
Signing off for today.
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