Sunday, 21 December 2014

Oh um...Merry Christmas...?

I kinda...Maybe...Did forget about this blogs existence entirely. 

It was only until a TEACHER from school was like "I heard you run a blog." I went: Oh. (ㆆ_ㆆ)

After the complete and utter realization that you know...I have a blog...That really requires a update the next thing that popped into my head was...
HOW DOES HE KNOW? *Defensive Tessa mode activated*

Family connections apparently. In the end I just awkwardly laughed and explained it to him. 

I've actually been doing stuff with my life guys! Be proud of me! 

I went to Queensland and did all the big theme park rides! All except one...Would have done it but you know, patience isn't one of my traits and I ain't got time for a two hour cue. I had places to be, fears to conquer and Wonder Woman capes to buy! The theme parks were amazing

The place we stayed at? Not so much. The food at this place...Was blander than the taste of chalk and I ended up living off watermelon for five days. With Maccas runs in between. #TheHealthyLife 

And now photos!

Aimee and I with our boarding passes. 

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. 

Gemstone bracelets! 


                                                     THE SCARIEST RIDE EVER.


 Aimee and I's meal on the plane.
We called it: Snakes on a plane
We were so proud.

Our ride to Queensland!

All thanks to my great friends; Aimee, Cody, Brandon, Jacob S and Shanae! You helped make the experience a great one!

Both cadets and school have drawn to a close for 2014. 

Goodbye year 9, never liked you anyway. 
So I'm now on summer/ Christmas holidays. 

So far I've written half a chapter of my big fanfiction, edited the other chapters and posted a sad, feely one-shot. Yay, for me. For the first time in forever I feel like I'm full filling my days.

What will 2015 hold for me? I seriously have no clue. But oh well. I'll be in year 10. Yay.

Be safe. Don't die to death.

Word of the day: cardinal, something of importance.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Headaches are abominations.

I feel like someone has slammed me into a brick wall head first.
I want to know the reason why we get head aches. Seriously, I hate 'em.

I rarely get head aches.  I created some ideas on what creates them, so here, take my ideas on what creates headaches:

  • Dragon dancing around your skull. A rarer cause of headaches.
  • The invisible goat. Common cause.
  • Dumb TBHs (to be honest statuses) from twelvies. "TBH: your pretty and smart i guess xoxoxox". Common cause.
  • Zombies munching on your brain. Guaranteed pain. Not so common cause. Solve with shotgun. 

And finally;

  •  Wild Indigos, they are the root of nearly every problem. Like the ultimate question, where is the other sock? An Indigo took it.

After a twenty second google search I just found out that headaches are caused by lots of things. Things like:

  • Stress
  • Lack of food and water
  • High blood pressure
  • Loud noise
  • Stupid people
  • Eye problems
  • Rick Astley's 'Never going to give you up' 
  • Infections/ illnesses like the common cold. 
I think I'll just blame this headache on a wild Indy. ಥ_ಥ

That's all folks for this post. 

Word of the day: dell, a valley full of dolls...Wait no that's a song I like. It's a valley full of trees. 

Monday, 2 June 2014

Because Emma told me to.

I totally didn't forget about this blog...No, not at all.

Reason one of why I have not updated in nearly a month: laziness.
Reason two: I've actually been doing things with my life. Exciting things. 
Reason three: Schhhhhoooooool. >_< 
Reason four: 

<-----Exactly that.

So in other words...Sorry, not sorry.

Reason why I'm updating:

Because Emma told me to. If I didn't, it would eat me and sell my kidneys to that shady lady near the skip bin at the back of my school.

I think her name is Indigo. 

Indy, please don't eat my kidneys. I need them for things. Like filtering my pee and absorbing glucose. If you even think about my lovely kidneys, I will bite your goat. Now that is what you call a threat, kiddo.

On the topic of goats I FOUND NEW GOAT GIFS.

For those who are new to my blog...Long story short: goats are amazing and I love them.

They are like sheep! But they have majestic beards! So that makes them 9000+ times better.

I have been at it again with the fanfiction!

I wrote another dark Skulduggery Pleasant one!

Warning there are spoilers.

But in my absence I found an awesome website while surfing the interweb.

It's called

Basically; you answer a simple question right, they donate 10 grains of rice to hungry, starving people. It's a great killer of boredom. And while you are being given something simple to do, you are feeding poor babies on the other side of the world.

So I highly recommend it, it's free and doesn't require much brain power. But a tip from me to you: look out for the pesky opposite questions.

I have decided I don't like editing my stories. Seriously, it makes me cringe and it takes 5 minutes to long!

What could make it more worse that what it already is? When the chapters of the story are 2000 words+. It's a nightmare. Note to self: Don't become a novel editor. 
With that you can probably tell I'm working on something big. It's still a fanfic but it's going to (hopefully) be a big one. 

I can't think of anything else, or mildly exciting to put in this post so...Imma end it here.

Word of the day: alleviate, to make something easier to endure. 

Signing off for today.


Sunday, 27 April 2014

Short post.

Oh, it's been a week since I last updated.

I blame Indigo.

The week was hectic.
I have made a list:

-Anzac Day.
-Little Turds birthday.
-Bright Autumn festival with the family.
-Indigo slept over.
-I was sleeping.
-Publishing a Skulduggery Fanfiction.

Lets start with the largest thing this week.

Anzac day. 

It was the best Anzac Day I have ever experienced/ taken part in.

I enjoyed every single part of it. My favourite part was the Dean Street march and the breakfast my father put on after the dawn service for my family members and friends. What also might have been fun was the fact Indy slept over.
Lilly's birthday was the day afterwards she had a ball. The end. 
I published my first fanfiction that used one of Derek Landy's characters. It is very dark and also very short.
Here is the link to it for those who are curious about reading it:
(If you haven't read the Skulduggery Pleasant series you won't understand it and if you have, but aren't up to the end of "Dark Days"/book 4 the fic has major spoilers. Just warnin' ya)
The fanfiction has already had two very kind and very confidence boosting reviews.

Today I went to the town of Bright. I had a lovely day and took many awesome photos of the yellowing trees.

Which I can't post on here because they are all on my iPad and I'm too lazy to put them on here. 


I really don't know what else to put on this post apart from the fact that I start school on Tuesday. *eyeroll*
I'm so excited.

One thing I did realize is that this blog is read by quite a few family members...Meaning most of my nerdy jokes go straight over their heads...And they won't understand my amusing Sherlock gifs.


I'm just going to end this post here...
Word of the day: deciduous, is the term used for trees that lose their leaves.

Signing off for today.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Goats and spelling mistakes...

It has taken me few days to realize that at this moment in time I am obsessed with goats and this gif.
^^So majestic.

Another thing I have realized is that I make bad spelling mistakes. One of my main mistakes is missing the second f from "off". I'm just gonna blame my lazy brain (and Indigo, because I blame everything on Indy). I would like to thank my friend Troy for pointing out the spelling mistakes... Which I still haven't fixed. If you find a spelling mistake please leave a comment.

I also realized that I am a walking encyclopedia on Florence + the machine and Florence Welch. I started spurting out facts about them on my Flo instagram account the other day and someone said "You are such a big fan, I bet you know where they live!" Well no I don't know where they live because that's just creepy and stalker-ish. This time I blame tumblr and Indigo because she was the one who told me I should get one. (Yes Indigo feel special you have been mentioned in nearly all of my blog posts so far.)

I have spent a good percentage of my last two days cleaning my darn room. I am safe to say that I haven't found a single spider yet. Touch wood. 

It's been two days since I have written anything in this post anddddd... I found a cockroach (a baby one, but it was still made of pure evilness). My reaction was "WHY ARE YOU HERE? I DON'T EAT IN HERE?!" Then it briefly met my runners and that was the end of his little sad story. Again, I blame Indy. Case closed.

My friend Emma aka Fig was in a skype call with me a I write the paragraph above and she asked "So you killed it?". I could only reply with "Yeap. Well I couldn't let it run off and make babies so they could make their own little army and crawl up my nose while I sleep." 

I'm pretty sure here face was something along these lines:

At this point of this post I was running out of important things to write because I have spent most of my time this week reading and writing fan fiction. But then I realize... "Oh this weekend is Easter."

What can I say? Oh, it was fun. That was Tessa's Easter for 2014. The end.

Ooooh something big hat happened the other day was Skulduggery Pleasant; book 9 title release.

The title is "The dying of the light"

I don't know what that means but I have manged to translate a bit so far: death, death and more death.

I have found a few gifs that describe the fandom of Skulduggery Pleasants state at the moment (on tumblr):

I have to thank Indy on this occasion for her continuous refreshing of Mr Landys blog so we could find the title.

There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of updating your tumblr and feeling happy with it. Even if it took you 2-3 hours to do it. Not including the amount of time it took me to understand coding. Such a tedious task.

For those who are curious this was the finishing result: 

Do ya like it? I'm sah proud. Mine doesn't have music that makes you jump playing on it though, I don't leave traps for the victims... I mean followers ❁◕ ‿ ◕❁. Unlike Mellanie, who makes stalking her page hard. 

Imma end this post here cos I have minecraft that needs playing and chocolate that needs eating.

Word of the day: armada, a fleet of warships.

Signing off for today.


Saturday, 12 April 2014

Presenting... gifs!

Today is Saturday meaning... sleeeeep in!

It's such a nice feeling sleeping in and actually feeling like you had a good amount of sleep so you won't become a zombie. 
\ (•◡•) /  Gosh, I love that little character so much.

But there is one problem with holidays... boredom. You begin to miss the constant nagging of neglected homework or the constant nagging of your neglected room that yearns to be clean once again. The boredom builds up until you must clean your room for something to do. May be I should take a note out of Sherlock Holmes book and start shooting smiley faces into the wall. But I'm pretty sure my parents would kill me. D: 

Speaking of Sherlock I found out how to put gifs on my blog! I am now ready to rule the world with my gifs. I am unstoppable. 
❁◕ ‿◕❁ 

I have surprised myself by not playing Minecraft today. It has been my addiction again for the last 3-4 weeks. But I have been facebooking, writing fan fiction and reading. Nothing really out of the norm here.

I write fan fiction for the Skulduggery Pleasant fandom. But I don't use the characters. I make my own and use my friends characters but base it in the Skulduggery universe. My main character is Oblivion Sanctum who is a necromancer who wears a great coat (trench coat). My friends characters are Amelabel Baine who is a sensitive and Luki Hawang who uses special symbols. We are still working out the name for the symbolism power because its not specified in the book. Maybe I should tweet Derek Landy and ask him.


I though I might share this gif parody of "Do you want to build a snowman?" from the film "Frozen" with you:

Did it make you laugh? It made me laugh! :3 


On that note I think I am going to end that post here because I have lost my train of thought for this post. 

Word of the day: pluvial, of or pertaining to rain; rainy.

Signing off for today.

Friday, 11 April 2014

4 in 1

I'm going to start this blog post of with something different. I am going to start it with my poem I wrote in english a week ago (well I think it was a week ago, how time flies when you are too ignorant to pay attention). ٩(̃-̮̮̃-)۶

The soft autumn breeze blows through the bare trees,
carrying with it the dancing leaves,
carrying with it the eerie requiem of the vacant trees,
carrying with it the cheerful birdsong with the merry tune. 

It is day three/four/five/six of blogging my daily life!
I kept running out of time over the last four days to write a post so I am going to write an extra long one. 


I have a big announcement!

I don't have any homework due at this moment in time. First time in 4 weeks! FOUR WEEKS.

Are you excited? I'm excited. I can finally sit at home and do... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Because what is better than doing nothing (apart from unicorns, the next installment of a good book series and goats)?

Speaking of book series. I am currently reading this book: 

Great book so far. It has taken me a term to get really into it. Only because it was slow by my standards and I only had about 10 minutes a day to read it and I was to lazy to take it out of my school bag to read at home. 

Before you start to wonder, Potter-heads. No this book is not based of the JK Rowling character, the guy who had procession of the philosophers stone before Dumbledore did.

It is in fact based off a real guy. Who was not an alchemist. But was still very famous and very rich.

"Nicolas Flamel (French: [nikɔla flamɛl]; prob. Pontoise, ca 1330 – Paris, March 22, 1418) was a successful French scrivener and manuscript-seller. After his death Flamel developed a reputation as an alchemist. However, these legendary accounts only appeared in the seventeenth century." Credit to wikipedia for that paragraph. But he did in fact marry Perenelle like most stories say he did. It was rumoured that she was also an alchemist but... she wasn't.

Want more info? Read this: <-- Quite interesting.

One character in that book that really interested me was the Morrigan. Also known as the "phantom queen" or "great queen" in mythology. In the book she is referred to as "The Crow Goddess". How Micheal Scott describes her is very interesting. I really like how she wears a cloak made of crow feather. But that kind of stuff interests me. Shes border line sarcastic. So she gets my stamp of approval. 


Uh, don't you love rain? Especially consistent rain and when it gets your sport canceled so that you have to sit in a class room and watch "Hunger Games: Catching Fire"?

But what really made my day was this youtube video:

It's called "Animal Beatbox" it was the 2011 Tropfest winner and it is simply the bomb.


Do I have any friends in the Sherlock and Doctor Who fandoms? If you do you should totally watch this video:

Thank you grapefruit for showing it to me.


I have decided today was a good day! Why you ask? 
a) It's Friday.
b) The holidays have started!
c) We watched interesting movies today. Something different from the Disneys that we always watch (please note I have nothing against Disney, but the same movies repeated over and over gets really really boring). 

We watched... gimme a sec I just realized I haven't changed my calender to April.

Right! We watched "Warm Bodies" and "the Book Thief". 
From what I saw of the they were both GREAT.

First of all lets talk about "Warm Bodies". Two words to describe it: zombie romance. Literally zombie romance. Romeo and Juliet style. You might think "Ew, why would you make such a monstrosity?" because that was my first thought. That's until the zombie-guys commentary came on. It had me within the first fifteen lines. "I can't remeber who I was. But from my hoodie I can tell I was unemployed." Unfortunately I only got about half way through until the lunch bell rang. It was one of those rare moments where I didn't want it to go. 

My agriculture teacher surprised us today by allowing us to watch a movie and that movie was "the Book Thief". It had me when I found out that Geoffrey Rush was in it. ٩(•̮̮̃-̃)۶


RANDOM SPACE CATS. Isn't it glorious?

These guys are my strange addiction at the moment. Don't judge meh.

Well my brain has finally has stopped functioning and I am going to end it here.

Word of the day: swagger, to walk or strut in a defiant and insolent air.

Signing off for today (and the other days I missed).